Why I volunteer by Andy Webb

Kirsty Lawrence's picture

Why I volunteer...

“I heard about Northumbria Blood Bikes via their website. I had previously been looking into assisting another group (SERV OBN) before taking up a new job in Northumberland. I saw it as an opportunity to do something to help in the community, while indulging my passion for riding motorbikes!

I’m a rider at the moment, although I have also completed coordinator training in the past.  I also assist with fundraising where I can (and where I’m not needed for an operational shift).


Why I volunteer by Nigel Barlow

Kirsty Lawrence's picture

Why I volunteer…

“I can't remember how I first heard about Northumbria Blood Bikes. I had been trying to get involved with the service for quite a while, (feeling sure that the North East must have something similar to other areas), before eventually stumbling upon Northumbria Blood Bikes. I must have been using the wrong search engine.



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